CETA provides high school and college student scholarships, as well as funds to assist teachers to participate in CETA events. CETA scholarships are made possible by individual donations to the CETA Scholarship Fund. Monies available determine the amount of each scholarship.
Donations to any of these scholarships are greatly appreciated. Please make your tax-deductible check payable to CETA. Be sure to designate the specific scholarship to which you want to contribute.
Send your contribution to California Educational Theatre Association:
2210 W. Sunset Blvd, #224
Los Angeles, CA 90026
College Scholarships for High School Seniors
The BIPOC Youth Scholarship seeks to support applicants from groups traditionally underrepresented in the theatre industry, such as those who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color in the state of CA. MORE INFO
High school seniors specializing in acting in the state of CA may submit a video audition for college scholarship money. MORE INFO
Item descriptionHigh school seniors specializing in theatre design and/or technical theatre in the state of CA may submit a narrated digital portfolio for college scholarship money. MORE INFO
The scholarship is given to a high school senior from southern California who plans to major or minor in theatre in their post-secondary education with the goal of becoming a theatre educator. MORE INFO
This scholarship is for a high school senior in the state of CA who plans a career in theatre education. MORE INFO
This scholarship is for a high school senior in the state of CA who plans to pursue a degree in Theatre with an emphasis in costume design. MORE INFO
In partnership with the Drama Teachers of Southern California (DTASC), this scholarship has been created for an outstanding student participant of the CETA High School Theatre Festival and DTASC Festivals. MORE INFO
Festival Participation Scholarships
This scholarship funds 50% of festival adjudication registration fee for teacher applying for their school. MORE INFO
This scholarship helps to defray the costs (i.e. travel, food) of participating in Stand up for Arts in Education Day. MORE INFO
This scholarship funds 50% of festival registration fee for teacher applying for their school. MORE INFO
Scholarships for College Students