California Theatre Credential
Building the Pipeline for Robust Arts Education
Dance and Theatre Credentials in California
Welcome to your home for information on the CA Single-Subject Teaching Credential in Theatre. California is currently on track for the first cohort of candidates to enter theatre credentialing programs by Fall 2021. This is, of course, subject to change. Check back here for updates along the journey. We will update the information on this page as we receive them.
The reestablishment of dance and theatre credentials for teachers in California was a long-term goal that was realized with the passage of SB 916 in 2016. However, work needs to continue to make the reestablishment of the credentials meaningful and impactful for the students of California now and in the future. A robust and vital pipeline needs to be created that encourages individuals to become dance or theatre teachers. This recruitment needs to occur in high schools, community colleges, 4-year institutions, arts organizations, and among “career changers.” This recruitment needs to counter the prevailing narrative about teaching and inspire individuals to recognize it for the fulfilling and world-changing profession it is.
At the same time, a teacher education pathway needs to be established from high school, through dance and theatre departments in colleges and universities, and on into teacher credentialing programs so that credentialed teachers can be prepared to educate California’s students.
There is some urgency in building this pipeline. In the teacher-credentialing world, novice teachers work with experienced mentor teachers during their credential preparation programs. As “Baby Boomers” retire, their experience and wisdom is lost to the profession and fewer student teaching positions are available. And if a dance or theatre position is vacated without credentialed teachers ready to fill the gap, schools may simply drop programs altogether.
The dance and theatre education communities need to work together to build this pipeline. This webpage will serve as a source of information and connection for this community – the professional organizations CDEA and CETA, community colleges, undergraduate departments, arts organizations, and teacher preparation.
Thank you to the board members at the California Dance Association especially Jessy Kronenberg, CDEA Credential Task Force Director dancecredential@cdeadance.org, Michael Despars, CETA Pst President mdespars@catheatreed.org, and Eric Engdahl eric.engdahl@csueastbay.edu for their work on these documents.